Pioneer 16X DVR-A08XLA 和 ASUS DRW-1608P差異

A07和0804p沒有16X ±R和4XDL +R,目前幾乎確定無法藉由刷韌體來支援


Pioneer 108= Asus 1604p= Piodata 108≠Pioneer A08


Pioneer 108,Asus 1604p,Pioneer A08 皆不一樣,

但是1604p和 108可以強制互刷成對方的韌體


Generally speaking, the DVR-108 and DVR-A08XL drives have exactly the same

reading/writing specs and performance but not the same "hardware". Pioneer

manufactures the DVR-108 drives for other manufacturers (OEM), while it

supplies the retail version as the DVR-A08 offering an advanced feature

called "QuietDrive" technology. According to Pioneer, "...QuietDrive features

a honeycomb design in the unit&#039s top outer casing that reduces vibration from

the drive mechanism. Together with noise dampening firmware and the lack of

an integral fan, ambient noise from the DVR-A08XL is significantly reduced..."

Another difference is the front bezel design, which is very well designed for

the DVR-A08XL series. Lastly, the OEM version (DVR-108A) does not include any

kind of software (Recording/Authoring) nor any DVD-R/RW media.

If you are wondering which drive you should buy, we could say, the retail

price will make your mind up for you. The DVR-108 is already being sold on

the market for a low enough price, so the DVR-A08XL will be priced a little

higher (you pay for QuietDrive feature and good looking design). But you

won&#039t notice any performance differences between the two:-)



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